NPIP Testing Update
Healthy Practice for Healthy Birds
The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is a federal program founded in 1935 to help reduce the spread of Salmonella Pullorum, which can lead to mortality rates as high as 80% in young poultry. The Federal Cooperative Program collaborates with industry, state, and other federal agencies to effectively apply new diagnostic technologies to improve poultry and poultry products nationwide. Over time, the program has expanded to include testing and monitoring additional poultry diseases. They offer testing and monitoring for the following:
Salmonella Pullorum (causative agent of Pullorum disease)
Salmonella Gallinarum (causative agent of Fowl Typhoid)
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Mycoplasma synoviae
Mycoplasma meleagridids (specifically for turkeys)
Avian Influenza
NPIP continues its work, supplying a public database of certified volunteer flocks and monitoring the interstate movement of Chicks and eggs to track and minimize disease outbreaks. At a minimum, the participating flock must test negative for Pullorum typhoid and Avian Influenza, which will reassure breeders and potential customers. Each NPIP participating state has unique testing and sanitation requirements or guidelines. Individual states may accept nonparticipating chicks and hatching eggs if they have proof that the flock meets the imposed standards.
Our Flock Status
Alaska has no certified flocks, but we aim to be the first. NPIP certification will be a new process for our state and our farm. Our flock's initial testing date for Pullorum typhoid (PT) and Avian Influenza (AI) was January 30, 2025. We have received our test results, and we are happy to announce that we are PT and AI negative.
In the meantime, our farm is adhering to Washington state standards. If you want to purchase hatching eggs or chicks and reside in the contiguous U.S., our farm can contact your state veterinarian to obtain permission to ship to your state.